Climate Justice

Climate Justice

Solving climate change will not happen without an adequate distribution of the efforts and an inclusive approach that recognizes the diversity of responsibility and exposure.

Our work

We evaluate the distributional consequences of climate change impacts and of climate mitigation policies on different segments of society, including the most disadvantaged. We develop theoretical and numerical work on how to incorporate equity into social welfare frameworks, and how to design strategies that minimize future inequalities. We study energy poverty and how to overcome limited access in Europe and developing countries.


Study on The cost of climate change on households and families in the EU


Energy Demand changes Induced by Technological and Social innovations


Disruptive Digitalization for Decarbonization


Next generation of AdVanced InteGrated Assessment modelling to support climaTE policy making

Yalew, A.W.

Environmental and economic accounting for biomass energy in Ethiopia

Energy, Sustainability and Society , 12, Article number: 30 - 2022


A multi-regional Integrated Assessment Model

A multi-regional Integrated Assessment Model for Assessment and Cost-Benefit Analyses based on calibrated mitigation and climate impact costs for over 50 regions and countries.